The ultimate self-love + Boudoir Experience

Have you always wanted a boudoir session but you've had these thoughts and feelings stopping you?

"I'll book a session when I love my body more and feel sexier in my skin"

"I'm not confident enough to do a boudoir session"

"There's no way I could ever spend that much money on myself"

"What would people think of me if I did a boudoir session?"

in case you've forgotten how fucking gorgeous + magical you are,

Let me Embolden you on your path of rediscovery.

EMBLDN is a year-long roadmap of reclaiming your self-confidence + authenticity alongside the village you never realized you needed, in a way that helps you to save up for and prepare for your boudoir session in the most nurturing way possible. We'll boost your self-confidence with 12 months of support, a little taste of boudoir with a self-love mini-session in the beginning and documenting your glow-up at the end with an all-inclusive boudoir + self-love experience.

Think "boudoir layaway", but *luxury*.

Boudoir + self-love  PHOTOGRAPHY

included in every Embldn Membership:

  • 2 Photoshoots:
  • Self-love mini-session (outdoors, weather permitting)
  • All-inclusive boudoir and self-love Experience, including 90 minutes in a studio, 1 hour outdoors, HMUA, a goddess dress rental + an 8x8 premium leather album)
  • Monthly in-person and online events with all EMBLDN members
  • Goddess Gatherings - women's circles, cacao ceremony, game nights, arts/crafts, bouquet potlucks + more
  • Empty Out Session (these will be on a trial period, Zoom call, 1x/month)
  • Access to my upcoming guides (sexy selfies, self-love, etc), including workbooks + easy to take action steps to help you get the most out of your glow-up.
  • Access to the Boudie Bestie Club through a private Discord channel, this serves you as a mastermind support system -- in here you can chat about what you're working through and receive group support
  • Weekly Sip + Celebrate zoom calls
  • Surprise guest speakers
  • Special member rates on any bigger offerings or add-ons launching during your year-long membership (Retreats, Moon rituals, Boudoir parties, etc)

$3,000 value

The process

month 1

Sip + Celebrate Ladies night to meet the women joining you in the membership and get to know each other (I accept only 5 new women into the membership each month). This will be like your small team of personal cheerleaders.

Be onboarded and welcomed into the Boudie Bestie Club on a private Discord channel and meet ALL of the women in the EMBLDN membership.

Start preparing for your mini-session.

month 2

Self-Love mini-session with your personal group of Boudie Besties. You'll get a taste of what it's like to have a sultry session with whatever comfort level you come into the membership with. You'll also have the support of like-minded women alongside to cheer you on as you each have about 15 minutes for your own personal images as well as 15 minutes for some group shots.

month 3-8

*Monthly activities and topic of discussion will vary based on the season and the energy of the collective membership and will be announced each quarter.

months 9 + 10

Begin planning your boudoir session.

Month 9: in-person consultation where you'll create a personal moodboard alongside your boudie besties.

Both months will be spent ordering lingerie, picking your HMUA, studio, and outdoor location, etc.

month 11


Shooting your session

Photo reveal appointment

Order your Album and any extra products you'd like to purchase

month 12

Receive your gallery + products

Final Celebration with your personal Boudie Besties

Not in arizona? no problem!

My goal is to be able to travel the US and beyond for this experience as well as having "tours" each summer.

If you live in another state, don't let this stop you from joining the membership! You will still have access to everything included in the membership, except for in-person events (as logistically I won't be able to plan a monthly event in multiple states). Instead, the cost that would have gone towards your "ticket" for the monthly events would instead be applied to the cost of me traveling to you.

With this being said, it would be most ideal to have at least 3 women in your area join the membership at the same time to make this work logistically for me to be able to come to your area for both the mini-session as well as the full boudoir experience. I will be announcing membership enrollment for different states and marketing for those at least once per quarter. Join my newsletter to stay in the loop for these announcements. If you are interested, please reach out and inquire about a membership starting in your state.

Here is what women are saying about their experience:



“Narrowing it down to just ONE favorite thing about all of this?! Not sure if I can do that, ha! Because it’s ALL been so beautiful and healing and empowering! Hmmm….I think having this intimate group of women doing the EMBLN experience TOGETHER is an overall fave. There’s something sacred about women supporting each other, through our text chats and in person. Being all together at the river and cheering each other on during the photos was SO special.”

01 / 05

Want to be a part of the magic?

Join the membership now:

I want in!

**what happens if you need to cancel your membership?

While I fully understand financial hardships can happen, in the event of cancellation at any point in the membership, no prior payments will be refunded. However, I am always willing to discuss a new option for where those previously paid funds can be utilized. At the point of cancellation, your total payments will be assessed as well as what has already been received on your end, and the remaining balance can be applied to a different offering of the same value.